Catholic teaching confidently proclaims that God has created each person for eternal life. At the hour of death, life does not end; it is transformed as an eternal dwelling is prepared for us in Heaven. When that time comes, Calvary Catholic Cemetery is here to serve and comfort you and your family. As a nonprofit ministry of the Diocese of Lincoln, we are an extension of your faith community committed to caring for you and your loved ones before, during, and after a death occurs, and when the need for Catholic burial services arise.

When someone dies it’s challenging to think clearly. Someone you love is no longer here, and you may not be sure what to do next. We can help navigate the steps after the death of a loved one and help them meet eternal life with faith and love.

All children, no matter what stage of development, are gifts from God. We can help you honor the brief life of your unborn or newborn baby with the dignity called for by Catholic teaching and support you during this difficult time.

Prearranging burial is one of the most thoughtful expressions of love and concern you can show your family. It ensures a Catholic burial and spares your survivors the hardship of last-minute decisions and expenses upon your death.
"Lord, for your faithful people life is changed, not ended.
When the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death,
we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven."
When the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death,
we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven."
Why Choose a Catholic cemetery?
Catholic cemeteries are an extension of our faith. They are a visible connection between the faithful and the departed, for even in death we are a community of faith. Our grounds have been blessed by the bishop of our diocese and are considered holy ground; therefore, the deceased interred or entombed here have been laid to rest in a sacred and spiritual environment, as called for in Catholic teaching. Catholic cemeteries honor the continued presence and memories of loved ones whose lives were important to God and to us and remind us that one day we too will receive eternal life through Christ. In accordance with burying the dead as a corporal act of mercy, no Catholic is denied burial in a Catholic cemetery.

Join us for Mass
You're invited to join us every Friday at the 12:15 p.m. service as we honor the continued presence and memories of your loved ones with Holy Mass in the St. Charbel Chapel and Mausoleum.
About the Charbel Chapel
More than 150 Years of Faithful Service
From the earliest pioneer days, the first efforts of the settlers of the territory were to secure a place of worship and burial. The first burial in the Catholic Cemetery, located at 40th and “O” Streets was Michael Shea in December 1869. In the beginning, the cemetery was part of St. Theresa’s parish. In 1930, it was deeded to the Calvary Cemetery Association, which were supported by Catholic parishes across the Diocese of Lincoln. In 1941, Bishop Louis B. Kucera founded the Diocesan Department of Catholic Cemeteries, which was the first such department in the country. Until 1941, one of the local mortuaries administered the cemetery. Since then, an appointed priest has always served as director of Calvary Catholic Cemetery & Mausoleum in cooperation with parishes and mortuaries in the city of Lincoln.